Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Itchy Suit

Age 7
When I was a young boy, I hated church meetings.  Attending church was sheer torture for me.  I can still remember the feelings of frustration, anger and rebellion I felt as I sat in Primary or Sunday school or Sacrament Meetings.  When church was over, I wouldn't wait to ride home with my parents.  I would run the five blocks home and change into an old comfortable pair of Levi's and a T-shirt.  It was like being reprieved from prison or rescued from a pit of snakes or awakened from a scary nightmare.  This was real peace.

Above all, I hated to wear a hot itchy suit that my mother had bought for me.  I suppose I hated that suit because it was the cause of one of the greatest disappointments in my life.

One of my cousins received an electric train for Christmas.  After playing with his train, I learned personally what coveting meant.  I wanted an electric train more than anything else.  I did, however, agree in my own mind, to be patient until the following Christmas. But I did mention electric trains whenever possible during the year.  Finally December arrived and I mounted an intensive campaign to make certain that both Mother and Dad knew what I wanted.

About two weeks before Christmas I discovered a box hidden behind a dresser in Mom's bedroom.  The box was just the right size for an electric train.  My cup runneth over.  I was going to get my heart's desire for Christmas.  All good things come to those righteous children who patiently wait.  My dreams had come true and my prayers had been answered.  I could hardly wait for Christmas morning..

At last the special moment arrived.  I had been practicing the surprise I would show when I opened the box and found the answer to my dreams. Christmas morning I made a bee-line for the big box that was under the tree.  All other boxes and presents were ignored.  The train box was quickly removed from under the tree and the wrapping shredded off.  I opened the box, and there was a real surprise.  Instead of an electric train there was an itchy Sunday suit.

I never did like that suit.  I never did get an electric train.  

Grandpa's wisdom and humor.

"If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed;  If you do read the newspaper you are misinformed.  - Mark Twain.

An older man, (just 1 year from retirement) seems preoccupied one day at lunch.  His friend asks if there is some problem.
"Yes," the man says, "My broker called me this morning and said, 'Remember that stock we bought and I told you you'd be able to retire at age 65?'". The man sighs deeply, then says, "I told him I did."  Then he tells me, 'Well, your retirement age is now 108.'".

Suppose you were an idiot.  And suppose you were a member of Congress .  .  .  But then I repeat myself.
  -Mark Twain.

Youth looks ahead, old age looks back, and middle age just looks tired.

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