Thursday, February 28, 2013

A "Sadie Hawkins" date

There once was a comic strip named "Little Abner".  One day a year in this strip the women were given the priviledge of first choice in all decision to be made.  That included their choice of the boy they wanted to take them to a dance.  Sadie Hawkins was a beautiful hill billy girl that would always chose Little Abner to take her to the dance.

So most all schools scheduled a yearly dance and called it the Sadie Hawkins dance.  Today I think these dances are identified as "ladies preference" or "ladies choice" dance.

So with that short introduction, I'll reveal my first experience with a Sadie Hawkins dance. This experience occurred at the beginning of my Junior year in high school.  I was asked by a girl named Beverly Fisher.  She was double dating with another girl named Joan DeJournette.   Beverly and Joan were best friends. And here the plot thickens.  Beverly was in love with a boy named Rodney but convinced Joan to ask him to the Sadie Hopkins dance.  Joan didn't understand why, but since they were good friends she agreed   Perhaps Beverly  was testing Rodney and hoped he would reject any invitation he received except one from her.  Or perhaps Beverly was fighting with Rodney at the time and wanted to teach him a lesson. But since Joan was such a cute little chick Rodney accepted the dance invitation from Joan. What was Beverly to do?  It appears that I was a second or even third choice for the dance.  Beverly just asked one of the few boys that was still available.

Since neither of the girls had a drivers license or even access to a car we had to walk to the dance.  Joan lived the furthest away from the high school where the dance was to be held.  So Beverly walked to Joan's house and then they walked to Rodney's house and finally to my house.  Instead of walking with their dates dates, Beverly and Rodney walked together and visited all the way to the dance.  That left Joan and Glen to walk together. Since we were both a wee bit shy, neither of us said a word to each other during the half-mile walk to the school. It was sheer torture for both of us.  At the end of the dance Beverly and Rodney still walked together while Joan was stuck with me.  I can remember uttering only six words during the walk home.  They were "thanks for the date" and "good night."

That was such an unpleasant experience, I fully intended to never date again.

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